Introducing, The SPAN Panel
A SPAN electric panel is a great choice for any home. SPAN is both energy efficient and reliable, so you can rest assured that your energy needs are well taken care of. The panel is designed to provide power from a variety of sources, giving you the ability to switch between different types of energy when needed. The SPAN Panel monitors and controls the energy usage in your home, so you can save money on your electricity bills. All in all, a SPAN Panel is a great choice for any home.
Span lets you get battery backup without need to down-select to only critical load, you control and prioritize what's most important to keep powered.
Customizable Battery Backup
Span makes it simpler to manage home energy by bringing you insights for solar, batteries, EVs, and individual home loads all in one place.
Smart Monitoring & Controls
Streamlined Modern Design
Span brings you the latest technology advancements for clean energy adoption with a streamlined, modern design for your home.